Warning: Undefined variable $g_imageViewer in C:\Users\Momin\sanestudios\gitroot\projects\Site\header.sg on line 81


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NitroLite Features
Multi-level undo
The number of undo steps is limited only by system memory.

Syntax highlighting for most popular file types
Makes editing code easier. Supported file types include C/C++, HTML, Batch files, VBScript, JavaScript and more. The line length in NitroLite is limited only by system memory. The syntax highlighting is easily extended through a configuration file.

Copy as HTML and RTF for syntax coloring
This provides an easy way to create good looking code snippets for use in HTML pages or Word/Wordpad documents.
The following example was generated using NitroLite:
<!--Begin Example-->
<table width="100%" height="100%">
<tr><td><b><a href="/index.html">Home</a></b></td></tr>
<!--End example-->
Multiple file support
Number of open files is limited only by system memory. NitroLite also allows you to open multiple files directly from the command line (including wildcards and recursively). See the command line reference for more information.

Multiple view support
Resizable views provides more control over what you see. Also allows you to easily compare files side by side.

Configurable tool support with output redirection
Allows you to launch command line tools and redirect their output to a NitroLite window. For more information on configuring custom tools, see Using Custom Tools.

Command window for executing commands
The command window allows you to execute commands and redirect their output to a NitroLite window.

Very useful when editing large files. Drop bookmarks in key locations in the file, then easily move between them.

Display line numbers
NitroLite allows you to display the line numbers to the left of the margin for quick reference.